
The Patricia Raskin Show
Monday at 11 AM Pacific Time
on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel
Listen to Paula and Patricia talk about relationships, health, spirituality, finances and community concerns, reclaim control of all areas of your life with the power of positive thinking. Patricia Raskin and Paula Marshall will bring you practical, positive solutions for a happy, empowered and successful life.
“I met Paula about 15 years when I heard her on another interview. I invited her on my program and the rest is history. Paula has been a The Patricia Raskin Showvoiceamerica.com guest on my program ever since then and her interviews are bi-monthly. It is such a joy to interview Paula and we manage to come up with new topics almost every time. Interview topics range from trends in the food industry, effective communications team members, Paula’s story and history with Bama, her books, Finding The Soul of Big Business and The Executive Entrepreneur. Paula is my role model for success combined with caring, compassion and wisdom.”
– Patricia Raskin – www.patriciaraskin.com